The Sunken Garden is busy this week!! The Spring Show, with all the tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and lilies, has been recycled. The thousands of bulbs are being prepared in the garage for the Spring Bulb Sale held the morning of May 17th. The soil and flowers are removed from the bulbs and then the bulbs are allowed to dry. Then they will be bagged and offered for sale!
The installation of the Summer Show is progressing. Visitors can peak thr
ough the glass doors into the Sunken Garden and see the gardeners busily planting geraniums, salpiglosis, lilies and other beautiful summer annuals. About half the room is planted as of lunch time today. There will be gardeners working in the Sunken Garden during the next couple of days to finish the room in time for the opening on Saturday morning at 10:00 AM. Besides the planting, there is watering and grooming that will occur before the room can be presented to visitors.

The starlights, hanging above the pool in the Sunken garden, were cleaned yesterday. These fixtures were installed some time after 1927 but before 1940. They are lowered down by hand and the outside is cleaned with a mix of alcohol and water. They are then returned to their place above the pools.
While all this is happening inside, the Blooming Butterfly Exhibit is taking shape outside by the Carousel. The structure is up and there is much activity surrounding it! And the tubs for the Victoria Water Platters are being installed today! The platters will not go out into the pools until early June but the pools are being prepared for their arrival. The Japanese Garden opens tomorrow. Follow the signs in the North Garden and they will lead you to one of the most beautiful gardens in Como Park.
Even with the cool outside spring weather, summer is coming to the Conservatory!