This year the cleaning of the Como Ordway Memorial Japanese Garden was delayed by about a month because of snowfall in March. The Japanese Garden is quite shady, therefore the snow took longer to melt. Despite the delay the Japanese Garden will be open to the public on May 1st, with the tea ceremonies starting back up mid May!
There are many things to do in preparing for the opening of the Japanese Garden. For starters all of the fallen branches have to be picked up and composted. All of the leaves that fell in the Fall have to be raked up and removed from the centers of the bushes. The pool is cleaned out, filled with water and dyed black. The water is dyed to cut down on algae growth. Any dead foliage and flowers are removed from plants. The burlap and the tree wrap that was used to cover some of the smaller pines to protect them from winter burn is removed. Mulch is added to all of the beds and occasionally additional gravel is added to the pathways. Lastly, cleaning up after the resident red fox and owl! You must come and enjoy the fruits of our labor! Enjoy the before and after pictures!